Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Honorable John L. Lewis

Compared to John Lewis...Stay away from the mirror. There is no one compared to John Lewis.

I love the idea that the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named for a kkklansman, be renamed the John Lewis Bridge, maybe even the Honorable John Lewis Bridge. Such sublime irony! How his body was carried over the bridge in mourning where 50 years ago, white bigots, all the power of local government, and centuries of slavery and Jim Crow tried to kill him! That man had guts. His life and principles should be taught to every american starting in  kindergarten right along with Washington, Jefferson, Adams and all the rest. Tear down that statue of John Calhoun and erect one to Frederick Douglas! How 'bout Fort Rosa Parks? Martin Luther King on the FBI building. Wipe Andrew Jackson's racist ass off the twenty dollar bill and give us a real hero who risked it all -  Harriet Tubman. The hell with that traitor General Lee. Let's see the Tuskegee airmen carved into a mountain. Camp Duckworth. Camp Langston Hughes. Camp Truth. Place Muhammad Ali, champion of the world, up there with Thomas Jefferson who wrote, "All men are created equal." Ali made him prove it. Guts. They took his title, his livelihood, faced 5 years in prison, but he stuck with his principles. "No Viet-namese ever called me a nigger." Guts. Compared to these people, how many of us can say we put our guts where our mouth is?

I've been thinking a lot about courage lately, what it is, who has it. Guts. Certainly, I know who doesn't have it. Do the names Graham, DeSantis, Cornyn, Scalise, Grassley, Ernst, Collins, Pence (Mini Me), et al, come to mind? If they do then you know all the rest - every goddamn politician except those too dumb to know better (Raise your hand), every pol who does not speak up against an obviously deranged and dangerous man, a commander-in-chief who takes the enemy's word over his own intel agencies! Putin says, "I didn't do it", and Trump says, "OK"? That alone should boot him out of office. And you defend him? Trump is a coward, a traitor to the constitution, responsible for bringing our country down, a gift to both Russia and China These same men who talk about courage and the law and heroism and bravery and man caves and fantasy football and pussy - every single Trump enabler is a frightened human being. Why else arm yourself to the teeth? Must be scared of something. Must be some bogeyman lurking in the neighborhood.

Trump once lectured Blacks: what do you have to lose? I cannot figure out what his minions fear they have to lose? Of course, I'm naive. I'm a lib, a snowflake, a commie, antifa scum, socialist loser. Money has never been at the heart of what I do (Believe me, I'm not bragging about that one). What do I know? I know that you, Jim Jordan, and you, Matt Gaetz, Fools and Phonies. grand standers, blowhards, bad guys, drugstore cowboys. Frat boys jerkin' off. How can these people not know our nation is in danger, our way of life threatened? They can't be that blind, so what's in it for them? They took an oath. Their behavior blasphemes that oath. What do they believe they have to gain? They don't reek of principle. They're not exceptionally bright or thoughtful. So, what is it? How is it not obvious to any one with brains that this government is a sham and a disgrace, fomented by the questionable mentality of a single man who is what? Rich? So what? Smart? Uh, uh.  Patriotic? Gimme a break. Pardoning war criminals is Trump's idea of patriotism, his daily high. Makes him seem tough. Gives him a rush. Look at my balls. Why honor John Lewis when I just pardoned a Navy Seal who was convicted of stabbing to death a naked seventeen year old boy according to the sworn testimonies of his own men. You really wanna see how really big my balls are? "I got that killer lieutenant out of jail,." Another case of a war criminal convicted by the sworn testimonies of his men. "I'm the Man! I did it! Check it out, all you shmucks who love me!" Both men convicted by military courts AKA Trump Undermines Military Justice. For what? Because Trump's mentality, his rigid world view, his idea of tough, aligns with those whom Hillary referred to as a "basket of deplorables". Sorry to offend you. If the shoe fits...Prove it? Who flies nazi flags and chants,"Jews will not replace us"? Who drives autos into crowds of demonstrators? Who stormed the Michigan State Building in military gear demanding the governor be lynched and beheaded? How 'bout "Karen" calling the cops on a Black person legally swimming in a community pool? How 'bout those "folks" who endanger us all by not following proper health guidelines? You're being conned, and you're bowing down to the con man. This isn't freedom. It's plunder, gut churning selfishness. Dummies who believe a doctor that claims women get their diseases by having sex with demons in their dreams. I thought this was 2020? Am I wrong? Dummies who believe that a man with four deferments knows more than his generals? Dummies who believe that a man who went bankrupt four times and stiffed his tradesmen can be trusted to manage the financial state of this nation? Deplorables! Trump supplies the basket. Let's put Roger Stone and Michael Flynn in that basket along with Huckabee-Sanders, Kayleigh-Cutie-What's-her-name, Hannity, Ingraham (who launches vicious diatribes for major bucks against immigrants on TV, yet her three children were adopted as immigrants. I know. I don't get it either.). They must know they are liars! How can they not? How can they not?

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