Sunday, August 30, 2020

Goat Hill

Remember what I said about our new goats?  To my kids: "You want the goats? They're on you. I'm not gonna trudge through two feet of snow to feed them. Not my job, man". So much for standing firm. "Dad, I'm gonna be late. Can you put the goats back in their pen? Dad! I gotta go out. Fresh water. They eat about six. Dad!!"  I know, you get it, or will get it soon enough. But it is fun to watch my grandson chase them around.  Of course, when isn't it fun to watch him do...anything, anything at all?

It's still August but we can sense winter on its way. Evenings are a bit cooler. Colors have begun to fade, something you might not notice unless you lived here. We actually began preparing for Winter in May - four  cords of firewood which would take us weeks to stack, and we're still collecting kindling.  Another month or so we should have the chinks and leaks caulked, new curtains to keep the south wind at bay, insulated shades to the west with a go at a piece of the roof.    

Apples and pears, a few minutes from ripe, but still delicious. Fresh garden tomatoes cooked in ratatouille. My grandson traipses up the farm road plucking every blackberry in sight, and, Joe, my goof of a dog, runs a hundred yards up and a hundred yards back with an occasional leap over a stone fence and a splash in the creek, technically, a brook as a brook empties into a creek. Deer are still in velvet. I spotted a button buck just back of the wood line. He didn't bolt, looked up but continued grazing. He'd best learn a thing or two before the season opens. Golden Years? Yes, but not in the prescribed way. Peace and quiet and settle back in that "old rockin' chair got me" mode? No, thank you. Golden? If you say so, but, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing quiet about these years, and I don't want there to be. My son has a  girlfriend who is respectful, helpful, quite nice, ready to wrangle the goats, really good with the baby, and here. My Goddaughter and her Other are here putting the final touches on Goat Hill along with my daughter and her Other. They'll winter here. The bunch of them converted an ancient wooden smoke house into a shed for the goats who have names I can't remember and who cares anyway? 

But, it's not just dancing barefoot around the garden "honoring life" or the moon. "T'ain't easy, MgGee," said Molly MgGee, a character on a favorite old radio show - Fibber MgGee and Molly. We rented a thirty foot dumpster and tossed 1.9 tons of domestic detritus aka crap that had been accumulating for decades, and unearthed a couple of treasures long ago given up as lost. Now, um, what were they? Um. This is getting serious. What is? Getting serious? Huh? Anyway, we're tossing and building and planting and organizing, thanks to my daughter's lead, a whiz at all four. So, there are transitions galore going on daily.

As for me, it's taken my lifetime to get here. When I was a young writer I believed my stuff came from a sense of anger and revenge, and, no doubt, it did.  What did I know? Lots of anger. Reams of revenge. However, not long after he bought my first script, the producer and I were talking, and I was kvelling about my ability to write action scenes, to which he snarled,"I didn't buy your script for the action. I bought it for the love story." Um, what? Again, what did I know? Even though, as I look back on my work over the years, the most effective stuff came from some sense of love. Actually, I think every script I've ever written has a love story driving it, not maudlin, kissy kissy stuff, but the peril and passion of flawed, deeply committed people at crossroads in their lives. It's taken a lifetime to sink in. I've written three novels, each of which features passionate characters determined to ride their destinies out to the end. Everything I'm writing now fits that description. Tell the truth, it's a lot more gratifying than sitting around thinking about novel ways to blow things up. More fun, too. Surprise.

Something's been sneaking up on me for some time now, like any good sneak, without giving notice.  It's an odd feeling, one which took some time to surface and more time to grasp. Dorian Alexander and I blow soap bubbles on the front stone stoop. Try to grab one. It's there. No hallucination. Bright. Sparkling. There! But, you can't quite get it, and it goes away. I may have gotten glimpses over the years of this sensation, but then it went away. What I didn't know was that it would sink into my synapses and stew there and stew there and...At some point, it would seep to the surface. Allow me a digression. 

My mother had a mantra, actually, two versions of one: A). Only idiots are happy. B). Happiness is for idiots. Grow up with that one. Lizzie Hermanson was one very angry woman. My guess is, growing up, true moments of happiness,  although kind of fun, were not considered as such, only candy, a temporary respite from real life, and then they went away. My view of myself - a Russian Jewish intellectual manque' - not a formula for kicking up your heels, more like serious, somber, smart, skeptical, depressed. One more minor digression.

I love to plant trees and do so each year, always but not only on special occasions - anniversary, birthdays, Earth Day, summer equinox, births, no deaths yet - name the event. This year one of my plantings was an oak tree for my grandson. It became part of a grove I've planted over the years for the family: a pear tree for J and me; an apple for Sevi; a crab apple for Madden, and, now, an oak for Dorian. There are also a birch, another apple, and one weeping peaseblossom. It's peaceful and comfortable and safe. I'm planning on more. Recently, I planted blueberry bushes in the grove. I'm wondering whether it's too late to plant lavender? I bought what I thought was a bench for the grove - a really good price - but that didn't turn out to be the issue. I blew it. It was a child's bench, beautiful but way down there low within kissing distance of the ground. Low. Low. Low. If I could sit on it, which I doubt, it would take a crane to hoist me up again. I'm bound to get the proper size when they go on sale. My daughter set the bench on a special path she built leading up to her Hobbit House pen on Goat Hill. So, it goes.

While planting the blueberry bushes, totally focused on what I was doing, it suddenly hit me, "Jesus Christ, I'm happy? Huh? Where'd that come from? Don't worry. It'll go away". But, it didn't, and it hasn't. Don't mistake me. This isn't Hari Krishna-touchy feely-ommmmm-all you need is love - bells aren't ringing - lights aren't brighter - colors no more vibrant than usual, but it can be recalled at will. That's the nice thing about it. It hasn't gone away. Sorry, Mom. I like this a lot better. I don't feel stupid or that I've betrayed my intellectual heritage or that I'm a wuss or any kind of existential fool, although I do expect some might throw up if I talked about it. Except, why would I talk about it, although I seem to be doing it right now? But, I haven't button-holed you at a party, have I? Anyway, writing and in-your-face are two different approaches. One is an exploration. The other is a challenge. I'm not an evangelical out to convert you to my world view. Do your own thing, amigo. What I know is that after decades of looking, even when I didn't know I was looking for anything in particular, this happy pilgrim (thank you, John Wayne) finally tracked it down. Do I walk around with glazed eyes, a smile that makes you want to smack me,  humming space music? Of course, not. I get pissed off, impatient, short tempered, snarly, but, normally, I manage to bail in time. Mostly, leave it alone. Do I really care? My favorite state these days - Focus - Knowing what you don't have to do. Shuck the excess. Get on with it. 

That grove will survive long after I will. It'll be a place that brings peace and fruit and colors and soothing air to any one who wanders there, knowledge that tells me, yes, I am happy. What else to call it? It's not a soap bubble. I am quietly happy, and, if it leaves, it's been there, and so have I. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Not the ones in my head, the ones outside my window. My children are home, and they are building a goat pen on a rise they've christened, Goat Hill, just behind the house. My Goddaughter and her "other",  recently moved here from Colorado, are out there working with them. I think the idea was hers. I know whose idea it wasn't - Mine!  I have nothing against goats other than the fact that they're bear and coyote bait, but that's more their problem than mine. APB: bear sign this morning. My part of the deal is no deal. I admit, they're cute, those goats - pygmy goats - but I'm not gonna be the one trudging uphill through two feet of snow to feed them, although, knowing how things go around this joint, I might. But, this is more than a simple event. It's a step in the transition of this place to their place. A subtle takeover, subliminal lurch by subliminal lurch. I can really see it now. We're a family under one roof again, and I love it. But, Jamie and I can feel a power shift underway, a slight tectonic shudder, mild but noticeable. Ergo, goat. Goats. I was railroaded. Children do that.  There are three generations here now, my grandson being #3. Tell me this: why does it seem to have caught me by surprise?

The house we live in had thirteen bedrooms and five bathrooms when we bought it - an old, ramshackle farmhouse on a site occupied since 1820. It had been an inn and hunting lodge for dozens of years, a working farm for more. It sat on one hundred four acres. One foot through the door, and I thought, "What're we gonna do with all this house? No charm. No warmth. Gray walls?" Jamie said, "Come with me", so I followed her on a walk behind the house up to one of the meadows leading north to the base of Evergreen Mountain. One hundred and four acres. Attached to state land. The northern Catskill Forest. Nice country. Still, I was not keen to come back East. I had a place in Montana in the Bitter Root Valley which I'd dreamed about since I was old enough to point out Montana on a map.  I loved it there. It was exciting simply to step out the door. I'd deliberately put the East behind me. I didn't want it ahead of me. 

"Turn around," she said. I did, faced south, and was taken by the sight of a mountain valley that might have been photographed for a full page spread in Life Magazine (when there was one). It had recently rained, so clouds like plumes rose from hollows in the mountains. It wasn't the Rockies. It was the northern Catskills, part of the Appalachian Range.The Rockies challenge. The Catskills invite. The only sound were bees scouting wildflowers. It was peaceful. Maple and oak, ash and poplar, puffed out their chests proud with new green.  A deciduous forest. A beautiful Spring season, the kind I'd  grown up with in Maryland. Well, here it was. You, Stephen, a little boy rolling down a grassy hill ripe with the scent of wild onions. Collecting fireflies in a bottle. Yellow forsythia. Autumn leaves.

Jamie's Words of Wisdom: "It's possible to have everything you want in life. You just can't have it all at the same time."

Another transition. 
Time to move on.
It was not easy.
It was not easy.
Then J found our house.

About this house. We bought it with every dish, every cup, every glass, sheets, beds, bureaus...The idea was to build a smaller house on the back acreage, but we've never gotten around to it because, before we understood was what happening, our house was full. We were two people with thirteen bedrooms, and every room was occupied or had been occupied or would be occupied. I came here for the land, the intensity of the seasons, apples and blueberries, the freedom to walk without end. I never anticipated our house would give so much pleasure to so many people, so many different kinds of people, Ellis Island, Coney Island, Manhattan Island, Channel Islands - every artistic type on earth, major execs, minor execs, entire families at once, various and sundry characters. Of course, we have rules and boundaries, or else we'd have to be marched out drooling in straight jackets.

Our rules are simple: coffee all day, muffins and breakfast stuff (At this point, I take my leave and go do what I gotta do); frig full for the taking; the day is yours - hike, bike, fish, wade in the water, read on front porch, stare at the fire in the fireplace, take a nap.  Lunch stuff spread out on kitchen table. Help yourself. Meet for dinner. We've run the gamut: my family; Jamie's family; other families; folks in trouble; Xmas, Hannukah, Easter, Passover; couples having fun; couples not having so much fun...One close friend, a casting director and genius of a cook, came up here just to spend the week-end cooking. And let's not forget GreenePlays - a theater we ran in a barn - 30 actors and crew - 3 meals a day - every bed filled. We must've been out of our minds, but what a success and so much fun, so much toil and trouble, too, but worth it. 

A creek runs in front of the house with a small bridge over it. .J and I stand there at night looking back at a full house, windows lit, calm and quiet, folks sleeping or taking showers or a midnight snack or rocking on the front porch listening to the creek. We stand there, Jamie and I, happy we could do this."Damn," I think to myself, "When did we turn into the Waltons?" 

So, all those voices outside my window? Wind chimes. My son and daughter discussing future plans for the house, the raucous laughter of my "Broke the Mold" Goddaughter, the shrieks of unbridled joy from my grandson, the bleats of the two goats he's chasing, the barks of the two dogs in on the chase, damn near everything except a partridge in a pear tree.  Actually, we do have partridges and a pear tree, although I've never seen one in it. 

"Good night, Jamie. Good night, Sevi. Good night, Madden, Good night, Dorian...Oh, my God, what's happened to me?"


Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Honorable John L. Lewis

Compared to John Lewis...Stay away from the mirror. There is no one compared to John Lewis.

I love the idea that the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named for a kkklansman, be renamed the John Lewis Bridge, maybe even the Honorable John Lewis Bridge. Such sublime irony! How his body was carried over the bridge in mourning where 50 years ago, white bigots, all the power of local government, and centuries of slavery and Jim Crow tried to kill him! That man had guts. His life and principles should be taught to every american starting in  kindergarten right along with Washington, Jefferson, Adams and all the rest. Tear down that statue of John Calhoun and erect one to Frederick Douglas! How 'bout Fort Rosa Parks? Martin Luther King on the FBI building. Wipe Andrew Jackson's racist ass off the twenty dollar bill and give us a real hero who risked it all -  Harriet Tubman. The hell with that traitor General Lee. Let's see the Tuskegee airmen carved into a mountain. Camp Duckworth. Camp Langston Hughes. Camp Truth. Place Muhammad Ali, champion of the world, up there with Thomas Jefferson who wrote, "All men are created equal." Ali made him prove it. Guts. They took his title, his livelihood, faced 5 years in prison, but he stuck with his principles. "No Viet-namese ever called me a nigger." Guts. Compared to these people, how many of us can say we put our guts where our mouth is?

I've been thinking a lot about courage lately, what it is, who has it. Guts. Certainly, I know who doesn't have it. Do the names Graham, DeSantis, Cornyn, Scalise, Grassley, Ernst, Collins, Pence (Mini Me), et al, come to mind? If they do then you know all the rest - every goddamn politician except those too dumb to know better (Raise your hand), every pol who does not speak up against an obviously deranged and dangerous man, a commander-in-chief who takes the enemy's word over his own intel agencies! Putin says, "I didn't do it", and Trump says, "OK"? That alone should boot him out of office. And you defend him? Trump is a coward, a traitor to the constitution, responsible for bringing our country down, a gift to both Russia and China These same men who talk about courage and the law and heroism and bravery and man caves and fantasy football and pussy - every single Trump enabler is a frightened human being. Why else arm yourself to the teeth? Must be scared of something. Must be some bogeyman lurking in the neighborhood.

Trump once lectured Blacks: what do you have to lose? I cannot figure out what his minions fear they have to lose? Of course, I'm naive. I'm a lib, a snowflake, a commie, antifa scum, socialist loser. Money has never been at the heart of what I do (Believe me, I'm not bragging about that one). What do I know? I know that you, Jim Jordan, and you, Matt Gaetz, Fools and Phonies. grand standers, blowhards, bad guys, drugstore cowboys. Frat boys jerkin' off. How can these people not know our nation is in danger, our way of life threatened? They can't be that blind, so what's in it for them? They took an oath. Their behavior blasphemes that oath. What do they believe they have to gain? They don't reek of principle. They're not exceptionally bright or thoughtful. So, what is it? How is it not obvious to any one with brains that this government is a sham and a disgrace, fomented by the questionable mentality of a single man who is what? Rich? So what? Smart? Uh, uh.  Patriotic? Gimme a break. Pardoning war criminals is Trump's idea of patriotism, his daily high. Makes him seem tough. Gives him a rush. Look at my balls. Why honor John Lewis when I just pardoned a Navy Seal who was convicted of stabbing to death a naked seventeen year old boy according to the sworn testimonies of his own men. You really wanna see how really big my balls are? "I got that killer lieutenant out of jail,." Another case of a war criminal convicted by the sworn testimonies of his men. "I'm the Man! I did it! Check it out, all you shmucks who love me!" Both men convicted by military courts AKA Trump Undermines Military Justice. For what? Because Trump's mentality, his rigid world view, his idea of tough, aligns with those whom Hillary referred to as a "basket of deplorables". Sorry to offend you. If the shoe fits...Prove it? Who flies nazi flags and chants,"Jews will not replace us"? Who drives autos into crowds of demonstrators? Who stormed the Michigan State Building in military gear demanding the governor be lynched and beheaded? How 'bout "Karen" calling the cops on a Black person legally swimming in a community pool? How 'bout those "folks" who endanger us all by not following proper health guidelines? You're being conned, and you're bowing down to the con man. This isn't freedom. It's plunder, gut churning selfishness. Dummies who believe a doctor that claims women get their diseases by having sex with demons in their dreams. I thought this was 2020? Am I wrong? Dummies who believe that a man with four deferments knows more than his generals? Dummies who believe that a man who went bankrupt four times and stiffed his tradesmen can be trusted to manage the financial state of this nation? Deplorables! Trump supplies the basket. Let's put Roger Stone and Michael Flynn in that basket along with Huckabee-Sanders, Kayleigh-Cutie-What's-her-name, Hannity, Ingraham (who launches vicious diatribes for major bucks against immigrants on TV, yet her three children were adopted as immigrants. I know. I don't get it either.). They must know they are liars! How can they not? How can they not?