Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 23, 2019

If you are reading this on 12/22/2019, I am still one day away from celebrating the day of my birth, my first day of life on earth. Gotta make a note of it. Or that was my intent. Still is, but not the way I originally intended. At this point in my life I am good with it, if not yet completely at peace. I certainly do have "miles to go before I sleep", how many miles as yet to be determined. If I were Elaine Stritch I'd be singing, "I'm still here..." I've still got a lot to do, so, Fate, "Don't bring me no bad news." I'm gonna eat fried chicken and goddamn the cholesterol!

So much for background music.

Michelle Goldberg is a columnist for the New York Times. She's young (Of course, I'm at the point where Grandma Moses looks young), exceptionally bright (a higher form of really smart), literate, knows a lot about a lot of things, listens well, argues with conscience and facts, misses nothing. A passionate intellectual. There is nothing fake about her.

Her most recent column, Democracy Grief Is Real, reflects
my own current feelings: our nation is in serious trouble because of a rogue president and the politicians who violate their constitutional vows and enable him. Jesus had an easier time of it under trial than Trump? What person in his/her right mind would state such a thing?  A republican congressman just did. And people who vote believe this crap?

I, for one, am not ready to learn to speak russian. Maybe you are. I'd rather shoot first. Many years ago I took that same oath they're all talking about: to protect our constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. I was a United States Marine, your basic grunt: an american citizen who basically wrote the government a blank check for any amount up to and including his/her life. I did that. So did millions of others. Thank God so many of us came home alive and in one piece, but too many others did not. I believe  Donald J Trump is doing his best to undo all that so many good  people died to preserve.

It's not my wish to drive anyone away. I am well aware we all do not believe alike. But this, for me, is a matter of conscience. Something is very wrong. I need to speak my piece. You don't agree? I've said what I had to say. My mother gave me one good piece of advice: "You've got a mouth. Use it!"

I hope the following link works and that you read this passionate cry from a person who fears we are losing what we have so valiantly defended for nearly three centuries, as am I.

Michelle Goldberg, "Democracy Grief is Real". 

By the way, since as all sane people know, there is no war on Christmas or Thanksgiving. More bullshit from Trump, the man who epitomizes "serial bullshit artist". So, from a nice, Jewish guy (who admits to having slung a bit of his own from time to time) "Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, December 14, 2019


Descendant of Mongol warriors, birthed North of India, East of Bangladesh. The wisdom of a great sage who reached one hundred years. Conjoin his view of the world with yours. Peace attend thee.

                                                    NOBODY IS PERFECT

Each one of us is a mixture of good qualities and some perhaps not-so-good qualities. In 

considering our Fellow Man we should remember his good qualities and realize that his faults

only prove that he is, after all, a human being...We should refrain from making harsh 

judgment  of a person just because he happens to be a dirty, rotten, no-good, son of a bitch....        

Enjoy your holidays!